40 FW Rimless AIO

20190726 043711  We bought a Waterbox 40AIO from Facebook Marketplace with the intention of attempting a small foray into the saltwater aquarium world, however we ultimately concluded that we want to place the saltwater aquarium where the FW 90 is currently located in the family room (And we do not like the huge amount of light spillage of the rimless tanks with very bright reef lights in the family room near the TV). Therefore we are going to split the freshwater 90 into a 65 gal in the 'sitting room' and this 40AIO in the home office. 20190726 043728  We got a great deal on this setup. $450 for the Waterbox 40.2 AIO and very nice custom stand with a whole bunch of SW extras (filter socks, test kits, etc,). We also bought the Ecotech MP10 powerhead and EcotechReeflink for $200. 20190726 043738  The filter area needs some cleaning, otherwise it was very clean.
20190726 163433  I used diluted white vinegar to clean and then I tested the tank for leaks and to make sure the return pump worked ok. 20190726 163041  Everything worked fine. 20190825 151422  We decided to (finally) replaced the ratty old carpet with enigeered hardwood floors in the home office before setting up the40 AIO.  Step one: remove old carpet, pad, and baseboard.
20190825 151428  We had to find the wood flooring to match the family room floor.  The flooring store we bought the existing flooring had gone out of business so it took a little time/effort to find the same flooring. 20190829 120028  560 sq ft of flooring. Enought to do all three spare bedrooms and the stairs up to the bonus room. 20190902 085736  Had to keep the network infrastructure up while we installed the new floor.
20190902 175533  Installing the new floor. 20190903 171923  Almost complete. 20190904 173629  Kelly is already building her new adjustable height desk.
20190907 165338  40 AIO positioned. 20190908 172857  We used Caribsea Super Naturals Torpedo Beach sand/substrate.  Filled with RODI water. Cloudy water is quickly clearing up. 20190908 195321  Dosed the RODI water with Equilibrium because  Kelly plans to have live plants in the tank.  I used the biologic media from the two 90FW tank Cascade canister filters and 'Tims' ammonia to start the filter cycling.
20190912 051522  Added a Beamswork DA FSPEC LED light.  Nice clear water. 20190914 202452  Blue 'night' mode. Still waiting for filter to cycle.... 20191012 093935  The tank took about 1 month to cycle completely.
20191012 093950  After planting sword plants and adding some fish. 10 Neon Tetras, 2 Clown Loachs, and a Bushynose Pleco. 20191012 094008